Your Donations are Helping to Reduce Food Insecurity
Food insecurity in Northern New Hampshire is a serious issue affecting many individuals and families. According to a report by Feeding America, an estimated 10.6% of the population in Coos County, which is located in Northern New Hampshire, is food insecure. This means that approximately 3,440 individuals in Coos County are experiencing hunger or do not have access to enough nutritious food to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.
In addition to Coos County, other counties in Northern New Hampshire, such as Grafton and Carroll, also have food insecurity rates above the national average. Many factors contribute to food insecurity in the region, including high poverty rates, limited employment opportunities, and limited access to affordable and nutritious food due to rural isolation.
Fortunately, there are many organizations and programs working to address food insecurity in Northern New Hampshire, including food banks, food pantries, and meal programs. These organizations rely on donations and volunteers to help provide food assistance to those in need.
The Community Cafe provides an opportunity for individuals, families, seniors, veterans, and anyone in need to receive a home-cooked meal.
The Feeding Hope Food Pantry offers a free food resource in a safe and friendly environment to individuals who are food insecure.
"As the largest food pantry in Coos County, it's because of Granite United Way's
help that we are able to do the things that we do in the community."
- Greg Swift, Community Cafe & Feeding Hope Food Pantry
Granite United Way works with a broad range of people, businesses, and organizations to identify and resolve pressing community issues. When you give to Granite United Way your support strengthens our partner agencies and is pivotal in helping to build stronger, more resilient communities.