The Secret to Running a Successful Workplace Campaign
One of the many ways Granite United Way supports our community is through the annual workplace campaign. Small businesses, major corporations, and even our nonprofit partners support our annual fundraising through workplace campaign efforts.
Participating in the workplace campaign gives employees the opportunity to learn about the needs of their community and provides a convenient way to donate a portion of their paycheck towards issues that matter most to them.
The success of Granite United Way’s workplace campaigns relies on Employee Campaign Coordinators (ECC). Collaborating with their workplace leadership team, the ECC oversees the flow of the campaign, builds a dedicated campaign team, tracks donation progress, provides employees with campaign resources and support, and thanks donors for their contributions.
“People want to give back and they want to give back where they live,” says Donna Courchesne, a long-time ECC from True Value, a distributor of hardware in Manchester, NH. “We [True Value] are really solid on stewardship and giving back to the community.”
As an Employee Campaign Coordinator for 32 years, Courchesne has led her True Value team through an abundance of campaigns. She has been an active supporter of Granite United Way as a donor as well as a volunteer for the local Community Impact Committee and Day of Caring.
Employees know their workplace and colleagues best, so it’s most beneficial for them to lead the workplace campaign efforts. To Courchesne, the best part of being an Employee Campaign Coordinator is the people she’s connected with throughout the years and the relationships she’s built.
Beyond relationship building there are many benefits to volunteering as an Employee Campaign Coordinator and running a workplace campaign. ECC’s experience career development and leadership growth within their organization and receive exclusive insight into critical community issues and opportunities.
Participating workplaces are highlighted as community leaders in front of thousands of potential customers, both individuals and organizations. By partnering with Granite United Way, they are part of a community-wide movement that tackles the underlying causes of problems to create lasting solutions.
Granite United Way is very thankful for the many decades of support from True Value and Donna’s stalwart support along the way!