Lakes Region United Way Joins Granite United Way
Inspired by the success of the five previous mergers creating Granite United Way, the Lakes Region United Way (LRUW) recently voted to become part of the largest United Way in New Hampshire. Beginning January 1, 2013, Granite United Way will now cover 80% of the State of New Hampshire. Granite United Way funded programs provide services to over 200,000 residents of New Hampshire and Vermont from its six regional offices.
The current United Way offices in Plymouth, Tamworth and Laconia will remain open.@ Each of the seven staff members at Lakes Region United Way will join Granite United Way, including Jack Terrill, who will serve as Senior Vice President of Community Impact. In addition, Mark Primeau, currently the Chair of the Lakes Region Board of Directors, will serve on the Granite United Way Board of Directors and on the organizations Executive Committee.
"As non-profit organizations continue to evolve and evaluate their ability to meet the needs of their individual communities, the merger of Lakes Region United Way and Granite United Way became a natural next step in increasing United Way’s impact. By creating business efficiencies we are maximizing donor dollars to the Lakes Region," said Patrick Tufts, President and CEO of Granite United Way.A@"Granite United Way has a proven track record of working together to ensure community resources remain strong. We demonstrated this first in 2010 when four United Ways merged to create Granite United Way and again in February 2012 when United Way of Northern New Hampshire joined the organization. Each of these alliances have resulted in positive community outcomes; we are certain the extensive leadership Jack and the Lakes Region team possess coupled with the strength of Granite United Way will undoubtedly benefit the Lakes Region.
"This merger is the product of hard work and diligence on the part of the Board of Directors of both Lakes Region United Way and Granite United Way," said Jack Terrill, President of Lakes Region United Way. "I am confident that the work we do in the Lakes Region will only be strengthened by this highly impactful decision. The collaborative efforts of both organizations will ensure our ability to be highly efficient and cost effective as we work together to meet our community goals. I look forward to directing my full attention to our community impact and investment strategies and working to enhance the programs available in the Lakes Region. This is a win-win for the entire state of New Hampshire."
Some of New Hampshire’s most critical United Way led efforts like 211 NH’s information and referral service, volunteer income tax assistance preparation sites and literacy partnerships with local schools are a direct result of United Ways across the state working together to identify and fulfill community needs. With this new addition to Granite United Way, all six regions will have the added resource of utilizing one another to further develop fundraising campaigns and collaborative initiatives across the state. In each of the regions, funds raised locally stay local.
"Our Board of Directors continually focuses on ways to invest more dollars into local programs. As a donor and a volunteer I am proud to support a merger that illustrates the dedication of both Lakes Region United Way and Granite United Way to working together to increase program funding to benefit individuals and families in our communities." said Cathleen A. Schmidt, Board Chair of Granite United Way.
The Lakes Region Board of Directors anticipates a stronger United Way in that region as a result of this merger.
"We are pleased to be joining the Granite United Way organization. While we could have remained a stand alone organization, the Board of Directors of the Lakes Region United Way felt we could have a greater impact in central New Hampshire and be an even better steward of our donors’ funds by merging." Mark Primeau, Board Chair of Lakes Region United Way. It has always been first and foremost for us to advance the common good in a sustainable and highly impactful way, and this helps ensure we will achieve these goals."
One of the key elements of the decision was to sustain and enhance the support for community programs throughout the Lakes Region.
"I think Lakes Region United Way’s merger with Granite United is a good idea particularly in these lean times. The merger will not only reduce administrative costs - it will strengthen impact." said Marti Ilg, Executive Director at Lakes Region Child Care Services Inc.
Watch for updates on how Granite United Way continues to enhance programs across New Hampshire and Vermont.